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Wrestling with Pigs

Wrestling with Pigs

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$13.99 (Softback Copy) plus $2.50 shipping and handling!

5 by 8 Inches


252 Pages

Soft Cover

ISBN 978-0-9830429-3-8



Book Description

When a barge suddenly turns up at a remote and vacant dock over a weekend, the mystery starts, because no one know where it came from. There are three different national flags on board by no crewmembers. When Louisiana State Police find it contains fifteen to twenty tons of marijuana ruined by seawater and oil, what remains of a very large shipment, the suspense builds. It's obvious to the police that one of the largest, if not the largest, shipment of marijuana in American history has taken place. Mac, the primary investigator, discovers that working with state and federal agencies is like running into a brick wall as he's turned away with each attempt to find who is behind the shipment.


It's Novel about Smugglers, Cops and Corruption on the Cajun Coast that is sure to keep you turning the pages.

“Roy Frusha pens an exciting tale of narcotics agents that is colored with craziness and humor. It is an artfully written work of fiction from an author who has lived the life.”

Dr. Gary Copes PhD Former Chief of Police Lafayette, LA

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